import osimport reimport sysimport csvimport timeimport argparseimport collectionsimport MySQLdbimport warnings # suppress annoying mysql warningswarnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', category=MySQLdb.Warning) def get_type(s): """Find type for this string """ # try integer type try: v = int(s) except ValueError: pass else: if abs(v) > 2147483647: return 'bigint' else: return 'int' # try float type try: float(s) except ValueError: pass else: return 'double' # check for timestamp dt_formats = ( ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'datetime'), ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f', 'datetime'), ('%Y-%m-%d', 'date'), ('%H:%M:%S', 'time'), ) for dt_format, dt_type in dt_formats: try: time.strptime(s, dt_format) except ValueError: pass else: return dt_type # doesn't match any other types so assume text if len(s) > 255: return 'text' else: return 'varchar(255)'def most_common(l, default='varchar(255)'): """Return most common value from list """ # some formats trump others if l: for dt_type in ('text', 'bigint'): if dt_type in l: return dt_type return max(l, key=l.count) return defaultdef get_col_types(input_file, max_rows=1000): """Find the type for each CSV column """ csv_types = collections.defaultdict(list) reader = csv.reader(open(input_file)) # test the first few rows for their data types for row_i, row in enumerate(reader): if row_i == 0: header = row else: for col_i, s in enumerate(row): data_type = get_type(s) csv_types[header[col_i]].append(data_type) if row_i == max_rows: break # take the most common data type for each row return [most_common(csv_types[col]) for col in header]def get_schema(table, header, col_types): """Generate the schema for this table from given types and columns """ schema_sql = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,""" % table for col_name, col_type in zip(header, col_types): schema_sql += '\n%s %s,' % (col_name, col_type) schema_sql += """\nPRIMARY KEY (id) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;""" return schema_sqldef get_insert(table, header): """Generate the SQL for inserting rows """ field_names = ', '.join(header) field_markers = ', '.join('%s' for col in header) return 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s);' % \ (table, field_names, field_markers)def format_header(row): """Format column names to remove illegal characters and duplicates """ safe_col = lambda s: re.sub('\W+', '_', s.lower()).strip('_') header = [] counts = collections.defaultdict(int) for col in row: col = safe_col(col) counts[col] += 1 if counts[col] > 1: col = '{}{}'.format(col, counts[col]) header.append(col) return headerdef main(input_file, user, password, host, table, database, max_inserts=10000): print "Importing `%s' into MySQL database `%s.%s'" % (input_file, database, table) db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=password, charset='utf8') cursor = db.cursor() # create database and if doesn't exist cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %s;' % database) db.select_db(database) # define table print 'Analyzing column types ...' col_types = get_col_types(input_file) print col_types header = None for i, row in enumerate(csv.reader(open(input_file))): if header: while len(row) < len(header): row.append('') # this row is missing columns so pad blank values cursor.execute(insert_sql, row) if i % max_inserts == 0: db.commit() print 'commit' else: header = format_header(row) schema_sql = get_schema(table, header, col_types) print schema_sql # create table cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;' % table) cursor.execute(schema_sql) # create index for more efficient access try: cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX ids ON %s (id);' % table) except MySQLdb.OperationalError: pass # index already exists print 'Inserting rows ...' # SQL string for inserting data insert_sql = get_insert(table, header) # commit rows to database print 'Committing rows to database ...' db.commit() print 'Done!'if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Automatically insert CSV contents into MySQL') parser.add_argument('--table', dest='table', help='Set the name of the table. If not set the CSV filename will be used') parser.add_argument('--database', dest='database', default='test', help='Set the name of the database. If not set the test database will be used') parser.add_argument('--user', dest='user', default='root', help='The MySQL login username') parser.add_argument('--password', dest='password', default='', help='The MySQL login password') parser.add_argument('--host', dest='host', default='localhost', help='The MySQL host') parser.add_argument('input_file', help='The input CSV file') args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if not args.table: # use input file name for table args.table = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.input_file))[0] main(args.input_file, args.user, args.password,, args.table, args.database)
[root@server1]# python --host= --user=PdYRxGWNpVRCQfHj --password=RX5a5YsViQcDdywr --database=cf_dc61100a_92a7_43ca_81dd_2a7e3fa0808a --table=performance_history_2 performance_history_2.csv
Importing `performance_history_2.csv' into MySQL database `cf_dc61100a_92a7_43ca_81dd_2a7e3fa0808a.performance_history_2'Analyzing column types ...['datetime', 'varchar(255)', 'varchar(255)', 'varchar(255)', 'varchar(255)', 'varchar(255)', 'varchar(255)', 'varchar(255)']CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS performance_history_2 ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,date_time datetime,write_bw_mb_s varchar(255),read_bw_mb_s varchar(255),write_iops varchar(255),read_iops varchar(255),write_latency_usec varchar(255),read_latency_usec varchar(255),avg_latency_usec varchar(255),PRIMARY KEY (id) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;Inserting rows ...commitcommitcommitcommitcommitcommitcommitcommitcommitcommitcommitCommitting rows to database ...Done!